Skill Lab Objectives

Modern technology is ever expanding , with new advancements coming up every day and disrupting the usual work practices. Continuous process of research and development followed by innovations have forced the organizations to change and adopt new business models. As a result, it created a skills gap, where the skills offered to the employees do not match with the skills required by the employers.

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has brought an economic distress, and abrupt layoffs have widened this existing gap of skilled and unskilled. At the same time, this has emphasized the importance of skill development, as it will help the workforce find jobs as per their competency levels.

Being an organization skill lab ventures is came up with solution. Having wide product base Skill training packages in the sectors ranging from Retail, IT, hospitality, Agritech, Edutech, Ecommerce,Food delivery,E vechiles ,green energy,waste management Etc.